Humans in History

Analyzing the Remains of Prince Branciforte Barresi

Prince Branciforte Barresi was a Sicilian arts patron and benefactor. He was the Prince of Pietraperzia and Marchese of Militello and was born in...

Compare Your DNA to an Ancient Saka Prince and Princess

In 1997, an international archaeological expedition discovered an ancient kurgan in east Kazakhstan near the village of Berel in the Bukhtarma valley dating back...

Rediscovering the Remains of Jörg Jenatsch

Jörg Jenatsch was an important political leader during the Thirty Years War in Graubünden (Grisons), now in present-day Switzerland. In the past, the rural...

Discovering the Remains of James “Earthquake McGoon” McGovern

James McGovern was an American World War II fighter ace that died in a plane crash in Laos on May 6, 1954. At the...

Identifying a plane crash victim from an arm alone

On March 12th, 1948, a charter flight crashed in the Wrangell Mountains of Alaska. The plane carried six crew members and 24 seamen returning...

Searching for ‘Genetic Eve’ – Mitochondrial DNA and Ancient Maternal Ancestry

Do you look like your mother or your father? Perhaps, you look like both of them or maybe you don’t look like your parents...

Y-Chromosome ‘Adam’ and Me – Using Y-DNA to Trace Ancient Paternal Roots

Differences in the outward physical features of people from around the world make us appear very uniquely distinct from each other. However, our DNA,...

Y-DNA STR testing: From Forensics, to Relationships, to Genealogy Testing

You’ve always been proud of your rather unusual last name, so one day when another man with the last name Quigley sits beside you...

Latest news

Natural shorts sleepers: How much sleep do you need?

Researchers have uncovered multiple genes associated with needing less than 6 hours of sleep at night. Sleep is universal. It...
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Alzheimer’s disease risk can be moderated, a new study finds

Researchers identify 21 modifiable risk factors for reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. The APOE gene is one...

The COVID-19 susceptibility DNA test from Genovate

New COVID-19 cases continue to emerge worldwide, making it clear that this pandemic is far from over. Genovate is...

Must read

The ‘Wandermust’ Experiment

Scoot, a Singapore-based airline carrier partners up with Dr....

Did Captain Ezekiel “Zeke” Harper have an illegitimate child?

Captain Ezekiel “Zeke” Harper was a Confederate guerrilla scout...
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