Humans in History

Birger Magnusson was the ruler of Sweden for nearly two decades in the 1200s. He was never a Swedish king, but held the title of “jarl”...

Emperor Cao Cao was a cruel and merciless Chinese warlord, but also a brilliant ruler and military genius.

Luke the Evangelist is the patron saint of artists, physicians, surgeons, students and butchers, and his feast day takes place October 18.

Saint Leopold III was the Margrave of Austria from 1095 until his death in 1136. He was a member of the House of Babenberg.

Saint Birgitta (Saint Bridget of Sweden) was the most celebrated saint of Sweden and one of the six patron saints of Europe.

Jan Kochanowski was a great Polish poet. He was born in Sycyna, a small village in Poland. He studied at the University of Königsberg (East Prussia) and at Padua University (Italy).

Historical records show that the St. Margaretha’s Church in Germany was a family burial place for male descendants from the House of Königsfeld from 1546 to 1749.

Prince Branciforte Barresi was a Sicilian arts patron and benefactor. He was the Prince of Pietraperzia and Marchese of Militello and was born in 1575.

In 1997, an international archaeological expedition discovered an ancient kurgan in east Kazakhstan near the village of Berel in the Bukhtarma valley dating back to the Saka period in the early 3rd century BC.

Jörg Jenatsch was an important political leader during the Thirty Years War in Graubünden (Grisons), now in present-day Switzerland.
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